October 13, 2024
11:45 am
Join us at the DoubleTree Hotel in the Huron 1 room right after service ends to learn more about Treeline, meet our leadership, and ask any questions you might have. Light brunch included and childcare available. Contact Laura at laura@treelinechurch.com with questions.
October 27th - November 24th
9:00 am
This 5-week class walks through the story of the Bible, starting with creation and walking through our ultimate redemption and restoration. Gospel Story is held before church, 9am, on Sunday mornings. Students will have reading, homework, and surveys to complete throughout the week. Childcare will be available if needed.
Note: This course is renamed and covers the same curriculum as Treeline's Gospel 101 course, which was given in the spring of 2023.
November 03, 2024
11:45 am
Join us at the Morris Lawrence Building right after service ends to learn more about Treeline, meet our leadership, and ask any questions you might have. Light brunch included and childcare available. Contact laura@treelinechurch.com with questions.
November 17, 2024
10:30 am
Sign up here if you are interested in getting baptized at a Treeline service.
Make sure to fill out the form that is linked after this one - there will be questions to answer about your current experience of faith and desire for baptism!
Once you've filled this out, a member of our staff will reach out to follow up with you.